Set around the the time of World War one and set in the industrial period. The Peaky Blinders fictional drama series is a brutally honest depiction of life and crime centered in Birmingham. One family stands tall amoung numerous criminal gangs run by the ruthless Thomas Shelby. Our Peaky Blinders Shelby Company Limited design is printed on a 100% cotton t-shirt. Inspired by the popular television drama Peaky Blinders (2013+) Starring Paul Anderson.
Peaky Blinders Shelby Company Limited t-shirt
1/ They are 100% ring spun cotton which is a finer smoother consistent knit.
2 /We source our t-shirts from reputable suppliers who help us to supply and produce a quality comfortable cotton garment that feels light, airy and free against the skin.
3/ Each t-shirt produced from our store has been professionally processed from start to finish with the utmost care and attention to detail.
4/ All our t-shirts are packed and sealed carefully to ensure your t-shirt reaches you in tip top condition.